Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wish List for Spring/Summer 2013

Shorts Suit:
There is just something about shorts suits to me that is so charming. The contrast between the formal looking 'blazer' versus the casual shorts on bottom is amazing. Also, I just love matching pieces. I've been looking for an affordable one forever. They are also super hot for spring/summer 2013.

source: Asos

The 90's are back (for the bagillionth time), and in a big way!
Dungarees have been popping up everywhere and I can't wait to get my hands on a pair. I'm lusting after a long black fancy one and a short cute denim one.

source: Asos

Sleeveless blazer:
I don't know if this is a trend per se, it's just something I'm really lusting after right now. Preferably a tuxedo style sleeveless blazer *drools*.


  1. :O I now feel like I need one of these style suits!

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



  2. Got to agree with you on Short Suits, they are so cool, and I love all the different patterns!
    i've followed you, your blog is adorable! Would you mind coming and following me if you have time?!xxx

  3. There are def hard to pull off! But I love the photos :)


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